Constant Hine

Since 1988, as president of Horizons In Learning, LLC, Constant Hine has offered professional development, coaching, consulting, and products to support early childhood professionals, teachers, care-givers, leaders, coaches and agents of change. She specializes in Transformational Coaching, Transformational Leadership, Engaging Adult Learners and Resilience for Adults to Bust Stress Barriers. She offers onsite, virtual and OnDemand professional development opportunities. She also offers Membership Services for ECE Coaches and Leaders. She has authored several books: Transformational Coaching for Early Childhood Education (available through Redleaf Press), Engaging Adult Learners Using Multiple Intelligences: The Toolkit of Adult Education Instructional Strategies (available through Exhange Press), Transform Stress: Creating Ease In A Day’s Work Sign Book, and Engaging Young Learners: The Teacher’s Role In An Early Childhood Classroom.

Type of Consultant

Author Coach (Administrators) Coach (Teachers) Conference Presenter Consultant (Advisor) Curriculum Developer Keynote Speaker Professional Development Provider/Trainer Webinar Presenter

Areas of Expertise

Coaching (Administrators) Coaching (Business) Coaching (Teachers) Curriculum development Leadership development Meeting Facilitation Organizational Development Presentation Enhancement/Training QRIS Social- Emotional development Staff Engagement Strategic Planning Systems development Teacher – Child Interactions Teaching strategies Training Trainers

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