Caroline Jens

Hi, my name is Caroline Jens, founder of Child Care Biz Help. I have over 25 years of experience in the finance and child care industry. While working as Executive Director, I took a child care center that had a high turnover rate and low enrollment, and turned it into a thriving business! In less than two years, I not only reduced our turnover rate from 45% to under 15%, but I also grew the business from one location to two great facilities, and the best part was……we tripled profits! Now I am available as a childcare consultant to go to work for you, like "Another You!" Here at Child Care Biz Help, WE GET THE WORK DONE by working with you, not by teaching long training sessions that just end up making even MORE work!

Type of Consultant

Business Consultant

Areas of Expertise

Business Coaching (Business) Employee Climate Enrollment Finances and accounting Leadership development Marketing Organizational Development Recruiting Sales Social Media Staff Engagement Strategic Planning Websites and web optimization

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